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All In One Eye Tests.

We hope we at All In One Opticians can help you understand why regular eye checks are important. Here is why we think a regular eye test at All In One Opticians should be a vital part of your health routine.

What is an eye test?

Eye examinations

Spectacles Frames

An eye test or an eye examination is a series of tests conducted by an optometrist to assess your vision and ability to focus on objects, check the health of your eyes and act as an early warning system to detect any eye defects, deficiencies and problems.

A basic test consists of an external examination followed by specific tests to check the accuracy of your vision, eye pressure and pupil functioning.

The accuracy of your vision is measured using the Snellen projector chart which has letters of different heights and widths. The health of the eyes are examined with an ophthalmascope to check the health of the optic nerve and a slit lamp to examine the other structures of the eye.

At All In One Opticians we have the very latest technology, the Snellen wall chart has been replaced by an electronic projector chart which gives you a sharper picture of the letters and alphabet.

Key eye tests

Here are some of the key eye tests you may wish to know about;


Refraction is a subjective test to measure shortsightedness, longsightedness, astigmatism and presbyopia. A series of lens comparisons are shown to you. You will be asked which lens is clearer. The results of the refraction test is mainly used to develop your final glasses or contact lens prescription.

Visual Acuity

A visual acuity test is a measure of how well you see or the sharpness and clarity of your vision. Our optometrist will ask you to read letters on the electoronic chart while standing/ or seated which ever is more comfortable for you, from 20 feet away. The smallest letters you are able to read will be recorded as your acuity.

Your visual acuity may be written as 6/6 if your vision is normal. If your vision is reduced, it might be recorded as less than 6/6, such as 6/60.

Pupil Tests

The way your pupils dilate and constrict in response to light can reveal alot about the health of the eyes and of your body. Certain reactions of the pupil can reveal neurological problems.

Intraocular pressure

A tonometer is used to measure the pressure of the eye. The test is used to help detect glaucoma. We use the air-puff non-contact tonometer in which no eye drops are needed.

When to have your eyes examined

You should have your eyes examined by an optometrist at least every two years - even if there is no change in your vision. An eye test can often pick up the first signs of an eye condition before you notice any changes in your vision.

Your optometrist will advise you on how often you should have your eyes tested. This can vary according to your age, personal or family medical history and your individual eye health.

If you notice a change in your vision, even when you are wearing the glasses you have been prescribed, for example your sight becomes blurry, then you should also have your eyes checked. If you are at all worried by any symptoms with your eyes, it is better to have them checked by an optometrist than to ignore it.

If you suddenly lose vision or your vision changes dramatically, you have severe pain in one or both eyes, or you have an accident involving your eyes then you should attend your local Casualty or Accident and Emergency department as soon as possible.

The extra tests

The field of vision test

Refraction is a subjective test to measure shortsightedness, longsightedness, astigmatism and presbyopia. A series of lens comparisons are shown to you. You will be asked which lens is clearer. The results of the refraction test is mainly used to develop your final glasses or contact lens prescription.

The eye pressure test

An increase in eye pressure may be a sign of glaucoma. There are two ways to test the pressure. This involves blowing puffs of air at the front of each eye. Neither test hurts.

Checking your eye sight

You will be asked to read letters on a chart. For those who are not able to read, there are other tests such as identifying pictures or matching letters and pictures.

Checking your outer eye

A light will be shined on the front of your eyes to check their health and how well they react to light.

Checking your inner eye

An ophthalmoscope is used to check the back of the eyes. The light of the ophthalmoscope will be shined into your eyes to check their health and you will be asked to look in different directions.

Checking your eye muscles

Your optometrist will check that the muscles that control your eye movement are working well.

Checking to see if you need glasses

If you need glasses to improve your vision, the optometrist will work out exactly what prescription you need. They may shine a light in your eyes and then ask you to look at letters or colours on a chart through various lenses in a special frame or machine.

At the end of your eye test you will see why All In One Opticians are different

Our optometrist conducts all tests and will discuss your eye test results and your eye health with you.

If you don't need glasses then the optometrist will give you a statement that says this. If you do need glasses then they must provide you with a prescription for your glasses.

This prescription can be used to buy glasses at any optometrist's practice, not just the one where you had your test.