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All In One Eye Tests.

We hope we at All In One Opticians can help you understand why regular eye checks are important. Here is why we think a regular eye test at All In One Opticians should be a vital part of your health routine.

Different eye conditions

Short or long?

Spectacles Frames

Different eye conditions need different prescription lens. Here is the All In One Opticians easy guide to common eye problems. After an eye test we will explain what type of prescription spectacles you need.

  • Myopia or short-sight which means you can see things close to you but not in the distance
  • Hyperopia or long-sight which means you can see things in the distance but not close to you 
  • Presbyopia – age related loss of vision results in symptoms similar to long sight where the near vision deteriorates, then the mid-range vision and finally the long distance vision
  •  Astigmatism is when the horizontal and vertical vision is not in balance you see blurred objects both in objects close to you and in the distance
  • Colour blindness – Colour blindness is when a person can see only a limited number of colours in the colour spectrum. They may be able to see all colours except red, or just a few colours may be just green and blue. It is a common misconception that colour blindness means that people see the world in black and white or shades of grey. This is not the case, colour blindness is caused by some colours getting confused or the brain not recognising these colours.
  • Night Blindness – the inability to see clearly in the dark due to the loss of some of the rods in the eye functioning to peak condition

More serious eye conditions

  • Cataract is when the film that covers the eyes (the aqueous humor) and prevents light from passing properly into the eye to the retina.  Excessive build up of protein results in a milky white film developing in the aqueous humor and that causes the vision to blur. 
  • Lazy eye or amblyopia is a vision problem caused when vision in one eye fails to develop properly in childhood causing the eye to dirft. If it is detected under the age of 7 years, it can often be effectively treated.  If it is not treated at a young age it is usually permanent.  The treatment in children involves blocking the vision of the good eye so that the lazy eye has to work harder. Eye excercises are known to help correct this condition.
  •  Glaucoma is caused when the optic nerve is damaged by excessive pressure build up in the eye. The normal fluid pressure inside the eye slowly rises causing nerve damage
  • Macular degeneration is the result of damage to the retina. Parts of the retina degenerate causing loss of vision. Aging is one of the key reasons for the damage to occur. This condition is more prevalent for people above the age of 66.
  • Strabismus, more commonly known as squints, is an eye muscle condition in which one or both eyes may turn in (esotropia), out (exotropia), up (hypertropia) or down (hypotropia). The eyes are not properly aligned and do not focus on an object together at the same time. One eye may be turned all of the time or only some of the time. Most people who have strabismus are usually born with it or develop it at an early age. However, some forms of strabismus occur later in life