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All In One Eyecare Contact Lens.

A wearing schedule

Dailies or monthlies?

Spectacles Frames

Different contact lenses are made for different vision needs, lifestyles and wearing schedules. While some contact lenses can potentially be worn for a month of continuous wear, others are meant to be taken out daily.

To help protect your eyes from serious complications, it is important that you follow the wearing schedule that your eye care professional recommends. Check with us if you have any questions about the proper wearing schedule for your contact lenses. We have a separate area where we help teach all our contact lens patients how to insert, remove and clean their lenses before they take them home.

Applying and Removing Your Contact Lenses

It is important that you wash, rinse and dry your hands thoroughly each time you handle your contact lenses. Do not apply a contact lens onto your eye if it is red, irritated or painful. In these instances, you should contact your eye care professional immediately before continuing contact lens use.

Contact Lens Replacement Schedule

Different contact lenses are made out of different materials. Because each material performs differently, manufacturers recommend a replacement schedule for each type of lens to allow for optimal performance of the lens. Most contact lenses worn today are intended to be replaced on a frequent basis. Typical replacement frequencies include one day, 2 weeks and one month.